Friday, January 27, 2012

Google Forms Project

This week I was introduced to Google Forms in class.  After doing some research and getting started I was amazed at the ease of use of this tool.  Google forms allow you to put together very professional forms and best yet it is free!  You can choose from over 60 themes and 7 question types. Automatically add responses to a spreadsheet that are connected to your survey. Easily view the collected information and automatically generate sophisticated charts and graphs.  This is a tool that will be very useful in a classroom setting!  Please take a look at our presentation about Google forms:  Google forms presentation
You can also view our survey and review the live form:  form/survey.

I believe this will be a wonderful addition to my tenure as a teacher in my future classroom.  It will most importantly be something that will help me save time with paperwork to allow me to spend more quality time with my students.  The various ways this can be utilized for test and quizzes is great.  The organization this will provide will be of great benefit.  As I said in the beginning it is easy to learn how to use this tool, the instructions were easy to follow.

As we did this presentation this week, I was able to contribute to the group in a few ways.  I first was able to add two questions to our survey/form.  Second I found it easy to add my reflections in our presentation.  I feel our group did a great job communicating and contributing to the assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all your contributions, and am excited to see you experiment with this in your Practicum (if it lends itself).
